Another WorkersComp Results Program Success Story:

Large Commercial Electrician in Boston Modifies Work for Injured Employee, Avoids Workers’ Comp Claim


A large commercial electrician in Boston had an employee who was injured early in the day on Monday and they weren’t sure if this injury was real or not. The employee provided a doctor’s note stating he needed to be out of work for 6-8 weeks, but it did not provide a reason.


The team at Knight-Dik is well-versed in dealing with medical claims like this and educating medical professionals on how HIPAA applies to these situations. As a result, Knight-Dik was able to speak to a medical professional who could provide us with information on their findings from the visit. It became clear that there wasn’t much of a claim in reality and that the employee has some irritation and inflammation in their wrist from overuse but it was not an on-the-job injury.


In order to keep the employee working, Knight-Dik helped the company devise modified work for their employee that he could do while he was at home. The doctor we spoke to provided an authorization stating that the employee could do this modified work from home while sitting down. Three times per week, electrical boxes were dropped off at the employee’s home for him to work on which kept him off of workers’ compensation and provided a way for him to continue to earn his regular paycheck.


The employee was back to work in just two weeks, not 6-8 weeks as originally predicted. This saved the client 4-6 weeks of lost time. Due to the strategy implemented by Knight-Dik, the employer was able to avoid a workers’ compensation claim while allowing the employee to continue to work with some modifications.


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