Insurance for Landscaping Contractors
Knight-Dik Insurance has been insuring landscaping contractors for decades. In that time, we’ve learned a lot about the business. For example, we know that equipment theft or weather-related failures are often an issue, as are huge workers’ comp bills that hit during your slowest season. We know many companies lack low-cost, high value liability coverage for things like employee injuries or illness, commercial use of vehicles that don’t have commercial insurance coverage, or damages to a homeowner’s property. We’ve seen cases where companies who didn’t have the right coverage for these paid a very high price. But we’ve also seen cases where companies are paying for coverage they simply don’t need.
That’s where our approach is different. We’ve built our company — in business now for over a century — by getting to know what matters to our clients and what doesn’t. We work closely with you to identify the most appropriate insurance and risk management choices. We take the time to understand your unique situation, make suitable recommendations, reduce costs wherever possible, and provide outstanding, personalized service.
We have relationships with all major underwriters, and we cover the entire range of insurance needs: workers’ comp (including pay-as-you-go financing), vehicles and equipment, business owner and liability, and surety contracts.
Interested in learning more about insurance for your landscaping contracting company? At Knight-Dik Insurance, we’ll work with you to design coverage that protects your business from a variety of risks, unique to you. For a free insurance premium analysis, simply fill out the form below or call 800-286-6353.